
Showing posts with the label office design plan

Office Design Plan should not be weird

After reading   Once upon a time: Office Design Plan by Mr. Cabinet : I would like to comment that office design plan should not be arranged by weird people. We're talking about art here, not about a stand-up comedy, right? Who are they, anyway? First, backpackers. They have nothing to do with tied-up work, routine or commuting, and premises. What they're looking for is a different atmosphere far away from the hustle and bustle of modern business. These people won't say it's weird with their efficiency living in a cheapest inn downtown, but it's silly to be asked to design a plan of office design while being mobile. What is that for? Some of them maybe designer themselves, but it's totally a wrong time for the inquiry while they're having fun exploring a foreign country. Second, police officers, especially when they're interrogating a criminal. Such stupid question will upset them, and you can get arrested for mocking an institution. The police don